Passages / Ode to Johanna / Welcome in our studiobuilding.
All emancipation starts with education in my latest photo, a girl is flying high.
The school building that houses our studios was built in 1913 and dedicated to Jeanne de Lestonnac who was the first to establish catholic schools for girls around 1600.
As noble lady, she was the niece of humanist and philosopher Michel de Montagne, she married Gaston de Montferrand, Baron of Landiras, in 1573, with whom she had seven children. Three of them died in infancy. Two of them where already in the convent and when her husband died, she also wanted to enter the convent, but there she fell ill. She was ready to die when the mother superior of the monastery told her that was a sign that she needed to go out into the world again, and she recovered. In 1605, the plague broke out in Bordeaux. Johanna led a group of young women to care for sick plague victims. Commissioned by Jesuits, she and these inspired women continued their collaboration to found girls' schools in Bordeaux.
She obeyed her calling to found in 1607 ,La Congrégation des Filles de Notre-Dame' Ordre de la Compagnie de Marie Notre-Dame (the Order of the Daughters of Our Lady) for the purpose of teaching girls in schools.
She proved to be very dedicated and obedient to her vocation and her modesty caused her to be beatified in 1900, just before our school was built and canonized in 1949.
Johanna de Lestonac is pictured with a book and sometimes with a girl pupil by her side.
All emancipation starts with education. I want more women to fly through the glass ceiling so it makes me happy in my latest photo, one is flying high. When you want to come and see more of our work feel welcome to send us an email.

The weekend of
13th and 14th of April
we welcomed guests
in ten studios ánd the stairwell
Dobbelmannweg 5, 6531KT Nijmegen
Featuring the latest artworks by:
Casper ter Heerdt
Isolde Venrooy
Marena Seeling
Lindy de Jong
Judit Hettema
Michiel van Pinxteren
Gerard van der Kamp
Marc Cristiaans
Coen Vernooij
Bob Lejeune
Frank Bezemer
Margriet Smulders